Elisabeth Schwanda | solo

My concert programme "A musical journey through time" is the realisation of an exceptional idea: a broad sweep of musical history accompanied by the recorder - spanning over 1000 years – from medieval melodies to avant-garde music of the 20th century.
Every "destination" is played by a different kind of recorder and enriched by an imaginative spoken introduction..
Con Variazoni

A CD produced with Ulfert Smidt, organist at the Marktkirche, Hannover, which unites the delightful sound of a Baroque organ and a range of recorders and has inspired many concerts.
La Dolce Speranza

The music of the 17th and 18th century brings music lovers under its spell in a unique way. The vitality and delicacy of the music‘s gestures touch every listener instantly. The art of singing in the Baroque era had an unsurpassed significance. It inspired the best composers to create a vast body of excellent works. The members of La Dolce Speranza draw from this repertoire.
The King’s Delight

Selected singers and instrumentalists of this melodically-named group play Renaissance and Baroque music in the tradition of banquets and courtly dance. Magnificent sound and brilliance, as well as rousing rhythmic vitality and strong emotions characterise the music of the 16th and 17th century and ensure a first-class experience at concerts.
Hamb. Ratsmusik & Schwanda

I have appeared with the Hamburger Ratsmusik as a guest performer at concerts such as
"Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" - Advent music of the Renaissance.